Zivid One+ Medium

Liên hệ

  • Vận chuyển giao hàng toàn quốc
  • Phương thức thanh toán linh hoạt
  • Gọi ngay +84 978.190.642 để mua và đặt hàng nhanh chóng


  • Fast
  • Accurate
  • High Definition + Color
  • 3D High Dynamic Range



60 cm to
200 cm

Point precision

0.11 mm


43 x 27 cm at 60 cm
133 x 87 cm at 200 cm


0.37 mm at 3.71 x 10-4 per distance (z) in mm


Zivid One Plus Medium is suitable for small to medium objects. The field of view covers typical objects on tables, in standard toes or bins, in picking, assembly, and control applications.

3D Point Cloud example

Zivid One Plus Medium

  • Product: Zivid One Plus Medium 3D camera
  • Distance: 80 – 150 cm
  • Scene: White cardboard, black and white plastic, colored wood, reflective metal pieces
  • Acquisition: 3D Color HDR merge
  • Source (25 MB): ZividOnePlusMedium.zdf

Technical Specifications

Field of View

Measurements in mm and º.

Additional info

Point precision
110 μm

Local planarity precision
190 μm

Global planarity trueness
< 100 μm

Dimension trueness
< 0.30


  • Moving objects
  • Transparent objects (e.g plastic bottles)
  • Highly reflective surfaces (e.g mirrors, polished metal)

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